Primary Schools in Slough Compared - 2020/2021

There are a total of 37 primary schools in the Slough area. Choosing a primary school for your child is one of the most important educational decisions that you need to make. It might be something that you're thinking about before moving to Slough, allowing you to buy or rent a house close to your preferred school or schools. Choosing a good primary school can help your child to achieve more, and could improve their chances of attending a good secondary school.
Of the almost 40 primary schools in Slough, seven of them received an Outstanding rating from Ofsted in their last inspection. A further 23 schools are rated Good. This guide will take a look at some of the top primary schools in the area to help parents decide which options may be best for their children.
The Importance of Choosing a Good Primary School in Slough
Primary school solidifies the foundation of your child's education. It is the beginning of their formal education, helping many children to transition from a preschool or nursery to a classroom setting. When choosing a primary school, you might look for a school with a nursery attached, which can allow for a smoother transition from nursery into the infants.
When you choose the right primary school for your child, you can help them to get the education and attention that they require. Primary school both teaches academics and gives children time to develop their social skills, emotional intelligence, and more. If you are also thinking about the future, when your child will be preparing to enter secondary school, you might be looking at primary schools that improve their chances of receiving good SATs results and passing the 11-plus exam for grammar schools.
Khalsa Primary School
Khalsa Primary School is a maintained school, meaning that it is funded by the local authority. It is also a voluntary aided school in the trusteeship of the Slough Sikh School Trust and is a faith school offering faith-inspired education following Sikhism. However, it also accepts applications from those of other faiths or no faith who support and respect the religious ethos of the school. The school also has a nursery, with 26 spaces in both morning and afternoon sessions. They also run a Sunday Panjabi school, which is attended by over 300 pupils.
Khalsa Primary School was last inspected in January 2020, receiving a rating of Outstanding in all areas. The report stated that:
"Pupils flourish in an exceptionally caring and inclusive learning environment. Secure, trusting relationships between staff and pupils ensure that pupils feel very well supported. In turn, pupils' outstanding behaviour and their impeccable manners make this a very special place to be."
"Pupils respond to teachers' very high expectations with gleeful enthusiasm and give all activities their full commitment and concentration. They become confident learners, achieve exceptionally well, and are very well prepared to become exemplary citizens."
"Highly effective communication with families and expert teaching ensure that pupils who speak English as an additional language are supported particularly well."
"Skilled planning and bespoke interventions ensure that disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support and challenge that they need."
"Spirituality underpins the academic standards here and Khalsa Primary School contributes exceptionally well to pupils' character development. The promotion of equalities, tolerance and respect underpins all that the school does."
Over 90% of the pupils at Khalsa Primary School speak English as an additional language, but the school expertly manages the pupils' diverse backgrounds and needs. The school's values and academic standards encourage pupils to do their best academically and also to grow as confident and enthusiastic learners.
Simple Stats
- Number pupils: 476
- Number of boys: 52.3%
- Number of girls: 47.7%
- Age range: 3-11
- Gender: mixed
- School type: voluntary aided
Khalsa Primary School is a relatively new school, having opened in 2007 with newly-built state-of-the-art facilities. This includes the school spiritual hall (Gur Darbar), which is used for morning prayers and is also open on weekends. The school also runs its own kitchen offering freshly prepared vegetarian food, and a variety of outdoor play equipment and games is available.
The Results
Khalsa Primary School achieves excellent results for pupils achieving expected standards at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. In 2019, they achieved more than 80% in all categories for KS1 and at least 95% in all tests for KS2, which is well above the national average. They do particularly well in KS2 Maths (98%) and both Reading and Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (both 97%). Key Stage 1 pupils also achieved very high results in Phonics, which likely helps with good reading results later.
Compared to 2018, Key Stage 2 results improved in every subject. However, Key Stage 1 results were lower in every subject except Year 2 Phonics, where there was a slight increase. The school still achieved at least 82% in all subjects, which is above the national average.
Castleview Primary School
Castleview Primary School is another excellent Slough primary school, performing above average in reading and writing, and well above average in maths. Castleview Primary School aims to create a positive environment, promote a welcoming and relaxed classroom, and create a safe and happy school. The converted academy aims "to value the cultural, moral, spiritual and social diversity of the whole school community" and to provide equal opportunities for all pupils.
Castleview Primary School was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2006 and was rated Outstanding. However, it has not been inspected by Ofsted since being converted to an academy in 2012. In the 2006 inspection, the school was rated Outstanding in every category.
Below are some key takeaways from the report:
"Castleview is an outstanding school. It is a thriving and harmonious multi-racial community, where pupils' achievement is excellent regardless of their background."
"The high academic standards are matched by pupils' personal development, which is outstanding. Behaviour is exemplary and pupils have extremely positive attitudes to school."
"Teaching and learning that are consistently at least good, and often outstanding, are major factors in the school's success. Excellent classroom management is based on positive relationships and very high expectations of work and behaviour."
"The school has an outstanding curriculum. The excellent provision for English, mathematics and science, which leads to very high results in national assessments, is paralleled by exciting and innovative provision in other subjects."
"The school's outstanding provision is the result of outstanding leadership and management. The headteacher and senior leaders provide excellent educational direction to the school."
The Ofsted report emphasises the school's excellent academic support, as well as their strong pastoral care. The report also highlights the pupils' positive feelings about school, their excellent behaviour, and their hard work.
Simple Stats
- Number of pupils: 548
- Number of girls: 48.9%
- Number of boys: 51.1%
- Age range: 3-11
- Gender: mixed
- School type: converted academy
Castleview Primary School has a kitchen providing school meals, with a nutritionally balanced menu available each week. The school offers a breakfast club and an after school club. There is a playground and playing field for outdoor play and PE, which the school has invested in during recent years thanks to government grants, using the money to provide further training in physical education to staff. There is also a school library. Castleview Primary School additionally carries out a number of school trips, including residential trips for Year 3 onwards.
The Results
Castleview Primary School is a member of the Kedermister Education Trust, along with Ryvers Primary School and Langley Grammar Secondary School. The umbrella trust aims to work together to enhance the learning experiences of all of their pupils.
The school has previously achieved about the national average in their Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results. They achieved 92% in KS1 Reading and Writing in 2018/19 and 93% in Maths. At KS2, they received 94% in reading, 97% in writing, as well as Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, and 98% in Maths. They have maintained or improved their results in most subjects compared to the previous two years.
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic School is another faith school, which is located in Langley. Their mission statement is "Trying to make the world a better place through creating a learning environment based upon Gospel values where all adults and children become better people." The school is associated with the Holy Family Catholic Church and expects families to fully support the Catholic character of the school's education.
The school aims to create an environment where children can experience the joy of learning and recognises that each child is of equal value. The school believes that education is the responsibility of teachers, parents, children, Church, and the community.
Holy Catholic Primary School was last inspected by Ofsted in July 2019, receiving a rating of Outstanding in every area. This was an improvement from the previous Good rating.
The report stated that:
"Senior leaders have demonstrated sustained tenacity and determination in their drive to provide the best possible education for pupils."
"The school's Catholic values permeate every aspect of its work. All pupils and staff are respected and known as individuals, creating a safe, inclusive family ethos, in which pupils flourish."
"Consistently strong teaching and learning enable pupils to thrive academically. Staff have high expectations."
"Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They are interested in lessons and work hard, always trying to do their best."
"Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well."
The report repeatedly expresses that the pupils at the school are enthusiastic about learning and welcoming to others. The staff are knowledgeable and care about helping the pupils to achieve their best. One of the only notes for improvement was that the school website should be kept up to date.
Simple Stats:
- Number of pupils: 454
- Number of girls: 50.2%
- Number of boys: 49.8%
- Gender: Mixed
- Age range: 3-11
- School type: Voluntary aided
Music is an important subject at Holy Catholic Primary School. In addition to teachers for each school year, they also have a dedicated Music Subject Teacher, and children have class music lessons once a week in the Music Room. Extra-curricular music activities are available, too, including instrumental tutoring and a junior choir. There is also a school library and facilities for PE. There are breakfast and after school clubs, as well as school lunches provided.
The Results
Although still rated an Outstanding school by Ofsted, Holy Catholic Primary School has slightly slower outcomes for SATs compared to some other schools in the area. However, they still achieve excellent standards. At Key Stage 1, 76% of students achieved the expected standard in Reading in 2019, 78% achieved the standard in writing, and 80% achieved the standard in Maths. At Key Stage 2, they achieved higher results of 84% for reading, 95% for writing, and 92% for both SPAG and Maths.
The school performs higher than the national average at both the expected standard for KS1 and KS2 and the higher level for KS2.
Lynch Hill Primary Academy
Lynch Hill Primary Academy is a non-denominational primary school that is part of the Slough and East Berkshire Multi Academy Trust. Their aim is to create responsible, lifelong learners who can thrive in a rapidly changing society. Some of their core values include adaptability, communication, co-operation, morality, and respect. The school begins at nursery until age 11.
The school was last inspected by Ofsted in July 2008, before the school was converted into an academy. It received a rating of Outstanding, which can allow schools to be exempt from routine inspection (usually every four years or so for schools rated Good).
The most recent Ofsted report for the school included comments such as:
"Pupils' achievement is outstanding. They make good progress in the Foundation Stage and then exceptionally good progress throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, building on the solid foundations embedded in the Early Years."
"Teachers are successful at meeting pupils' differing needs because they know their pupils so well."
"Pupils' exemplary behaviour is a major factor in their successful learning and creates a very positive atmosphere in lessons and around school."
"The school has excellent links to the local community, including the Parish Council where ideas from the children for improving the locality are considered. The school has established strong links with parents."
"The school is so successful because it is led and managed exceptionally well. The headteacher and other members of staff are passionate about 'their school' and do all they can to ensure that pupils fulfil their potential."
It's clear from the Ofsted report that Lynch Hill Primary Academy is a school that supports its pupils and benefits from strong leadership that cares about the students, helping them to thrive.
Simple Stats
- Number of pupils: 931
- Number of girls: 49.8%
- Number of boys: 50.2%
- Gender: Mixed
- Age range: 3-11
- School type: Academy converter
There are a number of excellent facilities at Lynch Hill Primary Academy. In addition to the 15 funded hours of nursery available for 3-year-olds, there is also a private extended nursery provision. A breakfast club and after-school club are also available outside of school hours. The school provides lunches, although unlike some other schools, they are not cooked lunches but rather sandwiches or an equivalent, along with vegetables, fruit, and dessert. There is a range of sports clubs for pupils, and almost every area of the curriculum is also offered as an after-school activity.
The Results
For 2019, Key Stage 2 Lynch Hill Primary Academy pupils were assessed as working at the expected standard at similar percentages to the national average. 74% achieved expected standards for reading, 71% for writing, and 75% for Maths. As for Key Stage 2, SATs results were slightly higher than the national average. 83% of pupils achieved the expected standards in reading, 85% in writing, 88% in Maths, and 91% in Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling. These results are all at least seven percentage points above the national average and similar to other schools rated Outstanding by Ofsted in Slough. The results have stayed fairly consistent since 2017 and have improved in some areas.
Lynch Hill Primary Academy offers another excellent primary school choice for parents looking for the right primary education for their children.
Montem Academy
Montem Academy is a school that celebrates diversity and aims to nurture respectful, well-rounded, and confident children. They aim to help children achieve high standards and celebrate achievement and success. The school is part of the Park Federation Academy Trust. This school is relatively large compared to some other primary schools in Slough, having just over 900 pupils. Nonetheless, the school has still shown that it is capable of producing good results.
Montem Academy was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2016, when it was rated as Outstanding in all categories. This was its first Ofsted inspection since the school opened in 2013.
Some of the key statements from the report are below:
"The principal leads with an absolute belief and commitment that every Montem pupil can excel. Staff, parents, governors and trustees share her conviction wholeheartedly."
"Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. Many make rapid progress from low starting points and achieve the standards expected for their age and some exceed them."
"Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve well. Teaching assistants offer well-judged and skilful support."
"Parents agree that the quality of teaching and learning is excellent and the school is led and managed well."
"This is a unified school community. Members of the trust, governors, staff, parents and pupils all work together to make certain of the very best outcomes for Montem pupils."
This school is recognised in particular for its ability to help pupils of all ages achieve good results in key areas. Even those who begin at a low starting point benefit from the dedication of staff, and pupils with special educational needs are well looked after too.
Simple Stats
- Number of pupils: 901
- Number of girls: 48.2%
- Number of boys: 51.8%
- Gender: Mixed
- Age range: 3-11
- School type: Academy sponsor led
Like many other primary schools in Slough, Montem Academy has a nursery, with an educational curriculum that helps to prepare children for school. The school has lots of opportunities for sports, including cricket, hockey, football, netball, badminton and boccia, and gets involved with sports competitions. This includes a number of morning clubs available for different years. Montem Academy offers hot meals at lunchtime, as well as cold packed lunches for Key Stage 2 pupils.
The Results
Montem Academy performs well in Writing and Maths but has lower than average results for reading. For 2018/19, 64% of pupils of Key Stage 2 pupils achieved the expected standard or above for Reading in their SATs. However, 90% achieved the standard for writing, 89% for Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation, and 93% achieved the standard or better in Maths. Reading results have been declining for the past few years, even though their other results have remained above average.
This shows that it's important to look closely at schools, even when they are rated Outstanding. One thing to note is that 85.3% of pupils at the school have English as an additional language, which is much higher than the national average of 21.2%. 15% of pupils do exceed the expected standards for reading, while the number is 40% for writing and 30% for Maths.
Cippenham School
Cippenham School has formed from Cippenham Infant School and Cippenham Primary School merging together. These schools were brought together by the Rose Gold MAT multi academy trust. The schools have only just been brought together as one from September 2020, but both Cippenham Infant School and Cippenham Primary School were both well-regarded. The infant school was for ages 4 to 7, while the primary school was for ages 4 to 11.
Combining these two schools creates one school run by a trust that has been working to achieve excellent education since 2012.
As Cippenham School is technically a new school, it has not yet been inspected by Ofsted. However, Cippenham Infant School was previously rated Outstanding in its last inspection in 2008, while Cippenham Primary School was given a rating of Good more recently, in 2018.
Some statements from the last Ofsted report from Cippenham Primary School include:
"by the time the pupils leave at the end of Year 2, they reach standards that are well above those expected of seven-year-olds. Pupils of all abilities and backgrounds in Years 1 and 2 make rapid progress."
"Teachers and support staff are very good at organising lessons so pupils receive the support they need. They mark pupils' work very well so the pupils are very clear about how best to improve their work."
"The staff work in excellent partnership with parents, carers, other schools and organisations."
Comments from the Cippenham Primary School report state:
"Overall, pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, the most able pupils and the most able disadvantaged pupils, make good progress from their starting points because the quality of teaching is good."
"Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. They behave well in lessons and around the school."
"The strong curriculum provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils to gain a breadth of knowledge and skills."
"The inclusion leader provides strong support for pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities."
"Sometimes pupils are not challenged well enough to achieve the standards they are capable of achieving."
This new school presents a different set of circumstances, as it is two schools combining. However, the positive elements of Cippenham Infant School might be a benefit to the new school, helping the combined school to achieve a good rating.
Simple Stats:
- Number of pupils (Cippenham Primary): 811
- Number of pupils (Cippenham Infants): 267
- Gender: Mixed
- Age range: 4 to 11
- School type: Academy converter
Cippenham School has facilities such as sports facilities, IT equipment, and more. For school lunches, the school offers both sandwiches and hot lunches four days a week, with sandwiches on offer on Fridays. There are sports clubs and events, as well as a school library. The school has used its Sports Premium grant to create new sporting facilities and invest in PE and sports at the school.
The Results
In 2018, 88% of Cippenham Infant School pupils achieved the expected standards or higher in reading, 77% in writing, and 78% in Maths. These results were all above the national average. At Cippenham Primary School, the results were 78%, 65%, and 75%, respectively. This means that there is a gap in results between the two schools. As for Key Stage 2, 70% of pupils in 2019 achieved the expected standard or above in reading, 81% in writing, and 79% in Maths. In both reading and maths skills, more than a quarter of pupils were above average.
The Langley Academy Primary
This relatively new school opened in 2015 and is operated by the Arbib Education Trust. The Langley Academy Primary expresses the wish for each of their children to display 'Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery'. Their values include courage, kindness, family, respect, independence, and brilliance. The school uses the concept of museum learning, engaging the senses and emotions to make learning "purposeful, memorable and long lasting".
The last Ofsted inspection of the school was in July 2018, when they received an Outstanding rating in all areas.
Here are some key quotes from the report:
"Leaders and those associated with governance are united in their approach to providing an innovative curriculum, tackling disadvantage and reaching the highest standards."
"The school's focus on museum learning gives pupils a rich range of experiences that bring the curriculum to life."
"Pupils are typically engrossed in their learning. They are taught to make choices about their learning and to build on their interests."
"Staff know every pupil as an individual. Pupils are exceptionally well cared for and feel very safe at school."
"Teachers in key stage 1 build on the firm foundations that pupils gain in the early years. As a result, pupils make rapid progress in developing their knowledge, understanding and skills across the curriculum."
In the short time that the school has been open, they have shown that they are committed to providing an excellent standard of education for their pupils.
Simple Stats
- Number of pupils: 414
- Number of girls: 51.2%
- Number of boys: 48.8%
- Gender: Mixed
- Age range: 3 to 11
- School type: Free school
The building for The Langley Academy Primary was designed for the school in 2015. Some features include an open-plan glass layout to unite the community, year group classrooms separated by acoustic rated curtains, and a breakout space for each year group. The front of the school features a museum to help facilitate the museum focused learning in the school. They have a cookery room, large and small hall, open-plan library and computer room. There are also school clubs, as well as hot lunches.
The Results
At the end of Key Stage 1, pupils at TLAP perform better than the national average and Slough average. 84.4% achieved the expected standard or higher in Reading in 2019, while 76.7% did so in writing, and 78.9% met the standard in Maths. 90% achieved the expected standard in science. However, there is no data provided for their recent Key Stage 2 performance.
Final Thoughts
There are several schools to choose from in Slough that have previously been rated Outstanding by Ofsted. However, keep in mind that this rating doesn't tell you everything. It's important to find out more about individual schools and their current status to find the right school for your child.
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