13 of Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools Compared

Want to know which grammar schools in Buckinghamshire are the best, then read on!
Whereas private schools charge tuition, comprehensive and grammar schools are usually free of charge. Grammar schools resemble private schools in that they select students by means of an entrance exam; however, unlike private schools, where admission is dependent upon financial need, comprehensive schools are open to anyone who meets certain criteria (i.e., age). Compulsory education is another important difference between grammar schools and comprehensive schools. While grammar school pupils must attend classes for at least six years, comprehensive school pupils may stay longer if they wish to study additional subjects.
It explains the best grammar schools in Buckinghamshire in detail, including their meanings, locations, and admission criteria.
A grammar school is a place where students excel
Grammar schools are one type of school that has existed throughout the history of educational systems in England and other English-speaking regions.
Grammar schools were originally a type of secondary school that taught students mainly Latin and Greek languages. They later evolved into academically oriented secondary schools that had distinguished themselves from less academic secondary moderns in recent years.
The only difference between a grammar school and a secondary modern school is that a grammar school might select its students based on their grades, whereas a secondary modern school might not. Academic performance
What are Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools?
TBGS was founded by the thirteen grammar schools of Buckinghamshire to administer and oversee secondary transfer tests.
All thirteen Buckinghamshire grammar schools were keen to maintain their longstanding tradition of working together after converting into academies.
To avoid a situation where some students get into one school but not another because everyone takes the exam, they intended to maintain a coordinated admission and testing program using a single secondary transfer examination to select students for entry into all grammars each year.
A grammar school is a type of school where students study English grammar.
Grammar schools were established primarily to teach Latin to their students. However, they weren't always able to attract enough students to continue running them.
Grammar schools and high schools differ from each other.
Some secondary schools, especially those from a century or more ago (or earlier), are called high schools. The earliest title is a grammar school; some secondary schools from even earlier eras were known as "grammar schools" (as opposed to "secondary schools").
Grammar has been around for quite some time, but its modern meaning did not come into existence until the 16th century when the word grammar came to refer specifically to studying language in terms of syntax and semantics.
How many grammar schools are in Buckinghamshire?
Buckinghamshire (Bucks), which consists of 13 grammar schools and 21 high schools, is one of the few counties left that is completely selective.
All aspects of seventh-grade admission are overseen by Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC).
13 best grammar schools in Buckinghamshire
1. Aylesbury Grammar School:
Aylesbury Grammarschool is an English private school for boys located in the Buckinghamshire town called Aylesbury. It has 1,250 students and was founded in 1619 by William L
By 2007, the school had been designated an International Baccalaureate School since 1994 and was a member of the Council for International Schools (CIS). It added specializations in languages, literature, foreign language, mathematics, science, computing, history, geography, economics, philosophy
It has been recognized for its achievements by winning awards like Investors in People, ArtsMark, Healthy Schools, SportsMark, and Intermediate school status.
Established more than four hundred years ago, Aylesburry Grammar School has a strong history of academic achievement.
Schools should aspire to create an environment that allows students to pursue their academic goals while also feeling respected and supported.
Their long-term goal is to inspire and empower every one of its pupils to reach his/her full potential.
To fulfill this promise, they model their core values of respect for others and aspiration in the way that they conduct their daily lives, and they follow through on their commitments to cultivate character in their students.
Aylesbury Grammer School is one of the top schools in Buckinghamshire.
2. Aylesbury High School:
Aylesbury High School is one of the largest high schools in the country, including a substantial sixth form. It opened its doors in September 2008 under the leadership of headmaster Roger Phillips. Since then the number of students has grown from 1,100 to 1,500.
It has been awarded numerous awards, including the International School Awards, the EcoSchools green flag, and Investors in Career.
The school follows the latest government requirements for students' academic performance, which establish minimum standards for student success.
Sixth formers generally perform better than their peers at school. Many go on to study further education, most often with extremely good grades.
As an independent state-funded grammar school which admits pupils through an 11-plus exam, admission standards are set by the 11+ exam. However, some students may be admitted on appeal to Buckinghamshire county council.
As long as they meet certain requirements, once they complete the 11+ exam, the school will accept them even if there aren’t any spaces left for their year group.
Despite its reputation as one of the best grammar schools in Buckinghamshire, sixth form admission at the school is competitive.
3. Beaconsfield high school:
Beaconsfield High is a girls' grammar school. It has a large sixth form class of more than 300 people.
It was founded to discover and develop the wealth of individual potential in people from different backgrounds and cultures.
The university has been designated a technological and linguistic authority for its excellence in education. Students come from well-off families across Buckinghamshire, and neighbouring counties.
Everyone at the school is valued and encouraged to strive for excellence—no exceptions.
It is one of Buckinghamshire’s best grammar schools.
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4. Burnham Grammar School:
Burnham Grammar is a normal sized secondary school located in Burnham, London, England. Efforts to transform it into an Academy began on October 1, 2012.
That same-named school had an Ofsted ranking of "Outstanding" when it was examined by Ofsted in 2011. The South Buckinghamshire Partnership Trust (SBP), which has a sixth form in place, has the same school as a partner.
At Burnham Grammar School, we recognize the importance of developing our students' abilities to learn and their ability to study so that they can take advantage of the learning experiences they encounter and be able to respond appropriately to the individualized assessments and feedback that they receive.
Our school's mission is to develop responsible learners, so every course we teach should inspire students to become responsible learners.
5. Chesham Grammar School:
Located in Buckinghamshire near Chesham, Chesham Grammar is a co-ed boarding school.
Children aged 11 and older in the county are eligible for admission into secondary school, where they can attend one of the 13 grammar schools. Five of these grammar schools are coeducational.
Because they have a large number of customers, Buckinghamshire’s universities attract a wide variety of different people and students come from across the country to study at these institutions.
Our students strive for an exceptional educational experience in a top university in the UK.
They hope to motivate and inspire all of our children in order to help them become future leaders and innovators for our society.
6. Dr Challoner’s Grammar School:
Dr Challoner‘s Grammar School has been recently listed as one of the top performing schools for Science and Mathematics and they are now applying to be able to teach Language as a third subject.
Furthermore, it is an excellent leading science school. It is quite popular and has substantial over-enrolment. Most students come from well-to-do families.
Some five percent of people are from an Asian background, but only a tiny number actually speak English as their first language. As for children with learning problems, they're hardly ever found.
They take great efforts to ensure that all of the children they support are loved and cared for in an environment that values each child individually.
They want their children to be well educated and to become future leaders, so they believe that many of them will become society’s leaders in the coming years.
8. Dr Challoner's Grammar School for Boys:
Dr Challoner‘s High School is an exclusive girls’ boarding school with a larger- than- average student body.
About a quarter of the girls speak English as their first language, but most of them are native speakers of English.
There are lots of students at the school. Most of them don't need extra help.
There are fewer students from poorer families who attend schools that qualify them for free lunches than there are average.
They're always committed to doing their best, but they equally want to expand the scope of what people aspire to be.
At the heart of our amazing school, we believe girls need an environment that enables them to be confident, resilient, and able to make a significant contribution to society. We want them to develop these qualities so they can grow into successful women.
9. John Hampden Grammer School (JHGS
John Hampden Grammar School is a boys’ grammar school located in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
Students from different economic backgrounds tend to be similar in terms of their educational background, but there are some differences between them.
Ethnicity is reflected at the national level, but the proportion of children from BME backgrounds varies considerably between neighbourhoods.
English is not one of the official languages taught at the school. However, there were only a handful of foreign students enrolled at the time of the study.
Since its inception, the school has been integral to education in High Wycombe for nearly 125 years. It began as a vocational college before becoming a grammar school (high school) in 1970.
They offer an additional sixth form, in which students get the chance to develop the skills needed to participate actively in society, too.
Being able to develop these skills gives students the confidence they need to face life’s challenges.
Located on the corner of East 91st Street and Third Avenue, this school
Sir Henry Floyd is a boys' comprehensive school located in Aylesbury and North Bucks.
There are 13 schools in the district, which makes this one slightly bigger than the typical secondary school.
The percentages of children who qualify for free school lunches and those who have special needs or disabilities is significantly lower than national averages.
At the same time that minority enrollment has risen above the national average, there has been an increase in the number of students who identify themselves as “other” race/ethnicity than white.
So far, the school has received recognition for its performance art program, the sciences program, and its partnership with the community. It was awarded silver medals by two health-related organizations and an award by another organization.
Students are able to discuss each other’s views in an unbiased and inclusive environment, which helps hone their social skills.
Students at Sir Henry Floyds Grammar School benefit from an engaging educational environment that encourages them to explore their potential and express themselves freely, and they achieve success far beyond the bounds of the school.
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10. Sir William Burroughs' Grammar School:
Sir William Borlases' grammar school is a small selective school. The percentage who qualify for free school lunches is quite high, as well as the percentage of students with special educational needs.
The school surpasses the government’s recently established standard of performance, which sets the bar for student achievement.
Many awards have been given out to the school, including the IT mark and the Investors in People designation.
The school is filled with a contagious sense of excitement stemming from its students' passion for learning. They continue this excitement even after they leave the school!
One of the best Buckinghamshire grammar schools has a packed program with plenty of opportunities for students to explore the world outside of school.
10. The Royal College of Music:
The Royal Grammar school is a coeducational grammar school located in Buckinghamshire, England. With an average entry age of 13 years old, the school offers a diverse curriculum,
Both the percentage of children who qualify for free school lunches and the percentage of children with special needs are quite low.
More students than the national average came from various ethnic backgrounds, and the proportion of students who spoke another language was typical.
Most of the students in Year 12 transfer to high schools at the end of their secondary schooling. The headmaster is responsible for the school’
The Royal Grammar Schools, High Wycombe (RGS for short) is one of England’s top academic schools, offering outstanding education from age 11 to 18. It was founded in 1553 by King Edward VI, making it the oldest surviving independent school in Britain today. In February 2011, it became an academy.
The university doesn't charge tuition for day students. However, boarders pay fees, but the education is completely free.
12. Royal Latin School:
Students who take the eleven plus test at Royal Latin School are usually students in the upper half of their local authority‘s selection group. There are usually many students taking the exam.
It’s an engineering school with a strong emphasis on science.
Fewer than half of the students at the school identified as members of an underrepresented group, and fewer than half of the students' first languages were English.
Only a very few children are considered to be at risk of developing special education needs, including those with visual impairments, physical disabilities or behavioral, social and emotional problems.
During the academic year, the council’s legal and democratic services team will take care of any appeals made by the school.
If you live in Buckinghamshire, the admissions team at one of the best grammar schools there will provide you with all the information you need to file an appeal against your child’s application if they were rejected.
13. Wycombe High School:
The students at Wycombe High School come from a population that is considerably larger than the national norm. Most of them qualify for free lunch at school.
A larger proportion of students identifies as members of underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds compared to the general student population nationally.
Whites and Pakistanis represent most of the student body at this school compared to the national average. There is a slightly higher proportion of EFL speakers here than there is nationally.
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