11 plus courses in buckinghamshire

Tuition covers all costs associated with attending our courses including workbooks.
Our courses are designed to suit ALL abilities and interests. All children will receive individualised attention and support throughout their time with our tutors
Free 11+ Assessment
The complete 11 Plus Programme is designed to give you everything you need to know about the 11+ exam. This includes a full assessment test, revision notes, tips and tricks, study advice and more. You can choose from three different levels of study packages based on how much time you have to dedicate to preparing for the exam.
Year 4 11+ Foundation Course
This course covers all aspects of the 11+ foundation course including the syllabus, assessment methods, marking criterion, and examination papers. Students will learn how to study for the 11+ exams through practice questions and mock assessments.
Students will gain an understanding of key concepts and skills required for success in the 11+ exams. They will develop a range of strategies to help them achieve their best possible score.
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in the 11+ exams and beyond.
Year 5 11+ Course
This course provides you with the knowledge needed to pass the GL 11 plus Exam in 2023. The course consists of two parts:
Part 1 - Revision & Practice
In this part we cover topics such as:
- How to revise effectively
- What to expect at the exam centre
- How to prepare for the exam
- Tips and tricks to help you get your best score
- How to set yourself goals
- How to manage your time effectively
- How to keep motivated
- How to organise your revision schedule
- How to read the question paper
- How to answer questions quickly and confidently
Part 2 - Mock Tests
In this part we use real exam papers to teach you how to approach each section of the exam. We also show you how to identify which questions are most important and how to tackle these efficiently.
You'll be given detailed feedback on your answers and explanations of why they were wrong.
We aim to ensure that by the end of the course you feel confident about tackling any question that comes up during the exam.
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal reasoning tests your ability of understanding what you read. You are given a passage and asked questions about it. If you know how to answer the question correctly, you pass.
Students should practice with previous papers.
Numerical Reasoning
Mock tests are designed to mimic the type of exam you might encounter during your studies. They include questions about topics such as maths, science, history and geography. You can use mock tests to help prepare for real exams, and to give you some insight into how well you understand the material.
Your child needs practice and revision beforehand. If he/she hasn't studied maths recently, it could be difficult to answer questions correctly. However, there are plenty of resources online where children can practise solving problems without being tested. This helps develop problem-solving skills, which are essential for success later on.
Maths is an important subject, and one that should be practised outside of school hours. Children learn best when they have fun, and doing something enjoyable will motivate them to study harder. There are many ways to do this, including playing games like Sudoku, crosswords and word searches. These activities require concentration and focus, while helping to build memory and vocabulary.
Non-verbal Reasoning
The ability to understand how objects work together and what they mean is called nonverbal reasoning. This skill plays a key role in everyday life, such as reading maps, playing chess and designing buildings. Children learn about spatial relationships early on and use it throughout their lives. In school, children often struggle with nonverbal reasoning because they don’t receive enough practice.
Spatial thinking is the ability to recognise patterns and think visually. For example, you might know where to find a particular object based on its shape or colour. You might even be able to imagine what a person looks like based on their facial features. These types of abilities help us solve problems and make decisions. They allow us to understand the world around us and predict what might happen next.
Comprehension and vocabulary are essential components of the test. If you want to pass the test, you must be familiar with words related to geometry and mathematics.
Technical English and Verbal Reasoning
In technical writing, synonyms are words that sound alike or have the same meaning. They are used to describe the same concept or idea. An example of this is “the Internet” versus “the web.” Another common usage is “to make changes” versus “to modify.”
Alphabet reasoning tests your ability to identify patterns within letters. You might be able to figure out that the letter B always follows the letter C, even though it doesn’t necessarily follow every single letter. If you see an A followed immediately by a Z, you probably know that the next letter is most likely a Y or an I, because those are the only two letters that start with the letter A.
Homonyms are words that share a root. For example, the prefix “co-” shares the same root as the word “combine.” Therefore, “co-op” and �“co-worker” are homonyms.
Coding problems involve finding the correct code number based on a set of numbers. For example, if a problem says “1234,” there could be four possible solutions: 123, 124, 234, and 456.
Maths is an important subject in schools around the world. But it’s not always easy to explain why. This is where maths games come in handy. They allow you to teach children about different concepts like fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and much more. And they are fun too!
Non-verbal and Spatial Reasoning
Spatial reasoning is the ability we use every day to comprehend our surroundings. For example, you might think about how far away something is, what direction it faces, whether it’s bigger or smaller than something else, etc. These are all examples of spatial reasoning skills.
Some people are better at understanding spatial relations than others. This skill is called “spatial intelligence” and some people are born with high levels of it while others don’t develop it until later in life. Children typically learn spatial reasoning skills during early childhood.
For those who do not perform well on spatial reasoning tests, there are ways to improve performance. One way is to increase exposure to spatial problems. Another is to provide additional practice opportunities outside of school.
What are the benefits of Think Smart Academy tuition?
Our unique, holistic approach to tuition helps minimise stress, optimise success and grow confidence.
What courses are available in Bucks?
We offer a range of term time and holiday courses for children from age seven to ten online and in our tuition centre in Bucks.
What are the key skills required for Verbal reasoning?
Verbal reasoning: the production of words, relationships between words, letters and numbers (excluding Slough/Kendrick and Reading School exams) Comprehension Vocabulary Spelling Grammar* Punctuation*
What are the skills needed to be able to work in a classroom?
Basic skills (addition, multiplication, division and subtraction) Mental maths development Problem solving techniques Extracting information from graphs and tables Averages Foundation algebra concepts Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion Area and volume 2d and 3d shapes.
What are the 11 Plus Tuition Courses?
Our 11 Plus Tuition Courses have been designed to prepare pupils for all aspects of the 11 Plus exams in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and South West Herts.
What are the benefits of working with us?
We develop pupils' knowledge so they're equipped to answer a broad range of challenging verbal, mathematical and non-verbal reasoning questions.
Contact us today or book a free assessment online now.
Book a Free Consultation Today
We invite you to our tuition centres, for a presentation and walk though on how we will help your child pass their exam.